Monday, November 15, 2010

jQuery 1.4.4 Released

The fourth minor release of jQuery 1.4 is now available — less than one month after 1.4.3 was released.

Unsurprisingly, version 1.4.4 is primarily a set of bug fixes following feedback from the user community. There is only one new feature…



The .fadeToggle() method provides fade-in and fade-out animation. If an element is visible, it’s opacity is reduced and, when it reaches zero, the display property is set to none so the element disappears from the page layout.

Calling .fadeToggle() on an invisible element (where display:none is set) makes the item visible and fades it back in.


Major bug fixes

If you’ve been struggling to make your code work, you’ll be pleased to know that the following issues have been fixed:

  • The .width() and .height() of hidden elements are reported correctly (in some situations, previous versions would return negative values). This is likely to be the cause of most 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 update compatibility issues.
  • Host and protocol names are now compared case-insensitively when determining whether an Ajax request is local or remote.
  • Computed CSS for elements now returns “auto” consistently rather than an empty string.
  • A function bound to the document ready event will now fire once (it was firing twice).
  • The .removeData() failure has been fixed.
  • The attribute not equals selector ([foo!=bar]) now works in Firefox.
  • Child (>), next sibling (+), and previous sibling (~) selectors now work when combined with pseudo-selectors (such as :last).
  • .show() will not fail if .hide() was initially called on a hidden element.


Grab jQuery 1.4.4 from: